Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"The Wednesday Letters" by Jason F. Wright

The Wednesday Letters is the story of Jack and Laurel. Married 39 years, the Coopers lived a good life and appear to have had a near-perfect relationship. Then one night, with his wife cradled in his arms, and before Jack takes his last breath, he scribbles his final "Wednesday Letter."

When their three adult children arrive to arrange the funeral, they discover boxes and boxes full of love letters that their father wrote to their mother on every single Wednesday. As they begin to open and read the letters, the children uncover unimaginable adventures and the shocking truth about their past.

The Wednesday Letters has a powerful message about redemption and forgiveness. And it just might inspire you to begin writing your own Wednesday Letters.


Christine said...

Thanks for a great night ladies!! I love getting together with y'all!! I loved the book! See ya next month...

Christine said...

I forgot to say thanks to Jen for the yummy dinner!! You are a fabulous host! ;-) I need the fried ice cream recipe---oh so good!

Anonymous said...

Great review! Thanks!
I work with Jason and thought you’d like knowing he has a new contest on his web site where you can win a free trip-for-two to his hometown in VA, the Shenandoah Valley. All you have to do is mail him a Christmas card! All the details are here:
